demographic groups

Don’t overlook Baby Boomers in your digital strategy

boomer-shopping-onlineFor those raised in an era without the internet, smartphones, and the ability to always be connected to the news and latest trends, understanding new media can be a challenge. For marketers that attempt to engage audiences that don’t logon to social media is also a challenge. For decades, marketers relied on traditional media like newspapers and radio, to reach all demographic groups. These one-size fits all marketing plans just don’t fit anymore. But the times are changing; According to a 2013 survey conducted by Google, the number of Baby Boomers (born 1946-64) using the internet and social media continues to grow. As the survey indicates, Boomers (and seniors) are active online, spending an average of 19 hours per week online, far overshadowing the amount of time spent reading a magazine or newspaper or listening to the radio. Long thought the preferred method to engage with this age group; the data supports a marketing campaign that migrates away from newspaper advertising and to investing more heavily one online campaigns.  (more…)